Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kirby Rissanen's 21 week PPROM miracle baby

PPROM at 21 weeks
BORN at 32 weeks and 2 days.
Ruptured for 11 weeks and in RCH for 9 weeks on bed rest.


I ruptured my membranes on Feb 10, 2013 while I was in Vancouver BC with family. I initially thought I was bleeding as I have had a previous miscarriage. I had one large gush of water followed by another one 10 mins later. I was unaware of what was actually happening and my mother in law mentioned that perhaps my water broke. We then went to langley hospital where I was admitted for four nights. For the first 48 hrs doctors were concerned that I was going to delivery so they gave me amoxicillion and erythromycin while I was in the hospital and to take after once I was discharged from the hospital. I then went on bed rest at a relative's place for a week and a half and then was admitted into Royal Columbia Hospital, where I would be on bed rest until my baby came. I was also given 2 steroid shots before going to RCH. While at my relative's place I went and had ultrasounds done every week.

We were told that baby was on the small side and should I deliver between week 23 or 24 that baby may not survive. My husband and I made the choice that if she was born early we wouldn't use any resuscitation on her. I was on strict bed rest, only getting up to shower and use bathroom. I had a torch screen done to test for different infections, and the CMV had come back positive in me. Doctors were worried the baby may have the infection so they did an amniocentesis on me on March 26. It went well, and doctors were able to rule out that my baby did not have the CMV infection, which my husband and I were grateful for. After I had the amnio done I started experiencing tightenings every so often. I was hooked up to the non stress test every morning and they monitored my baby's heart rate. I managed to hold on to April 22, when I had my daughter, named Rylan Elizabeth.

How Rylan's Doing Now

She is doing well and is currently in Royal Inland Hospital in kamloops, got moved on may 8th. She is very small for her age though she only weighed 2.5 lbs when I had her and is now almost 4 lbs. She is slowly gaining weight, and has some other issues, but all in all is doing well. She has been feeding with bottles and is on donor breast milk. Hoping she gains more weight so we can take her home to Williams Lake BC where we are from.

Baby Rylan Elizabeth now

All content and photos for this post used with permission, (C) Kirby Rissanen